Monday, May 27, 2013

This or That Book Tag

Hey everyone!
To break up the book reviews (I was going to review The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Evolution of Mara Dyer, but my last post was a review, too), I decided to do a tag. This one is short and sweet; hope you enjoy! I TAG ALL OF YOU!

1. Audio or book in hand
In hand!
2. Soft cover or hardback

3. Fiction or non-fiction

4. Fantasy world or real life issues

5. Harry Potter or Twilight

Harry Potter
6. Kindle, iPad or other

7. Borrow or buy

8. Bookstore on online

9. Tell me onetime or total trilogy

10. Monster read or short and sweet

It depends, but I feel very accomplished when I read a larger book
11. Starry eyed romance or full of action

Action with a little romance
12. Curl up in your snuggie or bathe in the sun

Depends what season it is!
13. Hot chocolate or latte

14. Read the review or decide for yourself

Read the review!

Sorry it was so short! -Kait

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