Hey everyone!
Today I am glad to be sharing my first book haul! It's not that big, but I do have three exciting books to share with you all!
The first one I got on October 23, 2012 when the book came out.
Finale | Becca Fitzpatrick
*Synopsis will contain spoilers for the first 3.

"Will love conquer all?
Nora and Patch thought their troubles were behind them. Hank is gone and they should be able to put his ugly vendetta to rest. But in Hank's absence, Nora has become the unwitting head of the Nephilim and must finish what Hank began. Which ultimately means destroying the fallen angels - destroying Patch.
Nora will never let that happen, so she and Patch make a plan: lead everyone to believe they have broken up, and work the system from the inside. Nora will convince the Nephilim that they are making a mistake in fighting the fallen angels, and Patch will find out everything he can from the opposing side. They will end this war before it can even begin.
But the best-laid plans often go awry. Nora is put through the paces in her new role and finds herself drawn to an addictive power she never anticipated.
As the battle lines are drawn, Nora and Patch must confront the differences that have always been between them and either choose to ignore them or let them destroy the love they have always fought for."

I already read this book, and I really enjoyed it! It was definately a great ending to the series.
The second one I got today because it came out today!
Reached | Ally Condie
*Synopsis will contain spoilers for the first 2
"After leaving Society and desperately searching for the Rising—and each other—Cassia and Ky have found what they were looking for, but at the cost of losing each other yet again: Cassia has been assigned to work for the Rising from within Society, while Ky has been stationed outside its borders. But nothing is as predicted, and all too soon the veil lifts and things shift once again.
In this gripping conclusion to the #1 New York Times-bestselling Matched Trilogy, Cassia will reconcile the difficulties of challenging a life too confining, seeking a freedom she never dreamed possible, and honoring a love she cannot live without."
I haven't started it yet, but I cannot wait to!
The third, and last one, I have been waiting to get for a very long time. It recently came out in paperback, so I was thinking it may be at my bookstore, and guess what? It was!
Shatter Me | Taherah Mafi
"No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal, but The Reestablishment has plans for her. Plans to use her as a weapon. But Juliette has plans of her own. After a lifetime without freedom, she's finally discovering a strength to fight back for the very first time—and to find a future with the one boy she thought she'd lost forever."
I am so excited to read this! It feels like I've been waiting forever. I kind of want to read Reached really fast so I can read this, however I'm going to try not to make that happen.
Hope you enjoyed my book haul! -Kait
Also, if you haven't already, I would love if you could check out the first chapter to my story